Day 121

Happy Easter!

We did a bunch of fun activities today!  From learning about the reason for the season, to the jelly bean prayer, and jelly bean graphing, we Celebrated the Season!

We also had an egg hunt!

Yesterday we went to the 2nd Grade State Fair!  The second graders picked a state and learned all about it.  The put together a “float” to highlight the things that they learned.

We also had a LOVELY recess yesterday!

We will not be needing our snow stuff again this season, unless more snow comes!!!!!!



Day 119

Hi All,

As I’m sure you heard, the kids had a sub yesterday.  She said that the kids were great and did well.

Today, we had a very productive day.  In journals, the students wrote about their strengths and weakness at school.  We have students who are feeling successful with fractions, spelling tests, reading, and phonics to name a few areas.  Some students feel that they need to improve on listening to the teacher, memorizing their Bible verses, writing letters appropriately, spelling, and Shirley English.

We are continuing to work on fractions in math.  We used the IXL computer program to help enhance our learning and understanding.  Here are the boys working on the program.

What a gorgeous afternoon!!!!  Recess was so wonderful!  An answer to some of our prayers!


Day 117

What  a busy week!

Wednesday was the American Wax Museum.  The 3rd graders showcased their learning about famous Americans.  Each student did an individual report and then dressed up as that person.  We went to see their projects and got to celebrate their learning.

Thursday brought chapel with Ms. Kelly sharing the Easter message.  Then we went to see the CCActors perform a comical rendition of Cinderella.

The students enjoyed it so much that they spent time during quest putting on their own versions of the play.  I had to fix a few hairdo’s to imitate that of the actors.

Today we went to St. Paul’s School to see a performance of Aesop’s Fables.  They acted out The Fox and the Crow to teach the lesson that people will tell you what you want to hear to get what they want.  The Hare and the Tortoise showed that slow and steady wins the race.  We also learned that we shouldn’t pretend to be someone we are not in The Donkey in the Lion’s Skin.  Lastly, they performed The Fox and the Sour Grapes to show that you can’t always get what you want.


Have a great weekend!!!!


Day 113

What a brisk day!  We did not go outside today because the windchill was so low.

This afternoon we talked a lot about fish!  There were lots of interesting new tidbits of information.  From fish being covered in mucus to being able to taste with parts outside of their body, the kids were amazed at how creative God was in designing the world around us.

We have started our fourth book about Flat Stanley.  Next week, I will be sending home a packet about our Flat Stanley Project.  Please be thinking about a family or friend that your child could mail Flat Stanley to.  They will need to keep a journal and send Flat Stanley back to us.

Have a great evening!


Day 111

Hi all,

What fun the kids had playing out in the snow this afternoon.  We had a very productive morning and got a lot of work done, so they were really ready to have a break!  The spelling tests and Bible verse quiz went well.  We continued to work on diagraming sentences and will have a test on this later this week.

Day 110

It is hard to believe that we have been in school for 110 days!  The students have learned so much and are doing so well in their studies.

Today, I introduced a new math game.  The students have a copy of it in their folders to play tomorrow!  I am assuming we will have a snow day, but our spelling test and Bible verse tests will still be on Wednesday.  Please be sure to take a bit of time to study for these tests.

The students once again enjoyed their time at P.E. and did a great job listening to instructions and playing the games well.



Day 107

Hi Families,

I can hardly believe the drastic change of weather that is being discussed for this week!  I hope you were all able to enjoy your breaks!

Today was the first time in WEEKS that we have had all the students at school and it was nice to see all the students interacting together.  They really are a sweet group of students.

We have jumped right back into the swing of things and the students are doing a great job with their work!  Their skills are growing and they are all being encouraged to take a bit more initiative when it comes to working independently.

Here are some pictures from this afternoon’s recess.  I think tomorrow’s pictures will look a bit different!

Day 100 & 101

We had a great 101st day of school.  This week will be one of the best weeks of the whole school year (that is the sentiment from my own boys).  The Coastlands Crew is with us this week.  Their object lesson for the week is all about the heart.  I hope you received the e-mail from Ms. Pinard about the follow-up questions for each day.  If you have not received them, please let me know.

Here is a picture of how excited the kids are to see Dr. Brady when she visited our room.


We enjoyed our free choice and indoor recesses today!

We had a lot of fun celebrating the 100th day of school.  We started our day by making a 100 snack.  We had 10 different snacks and took 10 of each one to make our snack.

We spent the rest of the day doing activities that focused on 100!  They filled in a 100 chart and kept track of the heads and tails as they flipped a coin.  The students also wrote 100 words and wrote about what they will be like when they are 100 years old.  We also did 100 exercises.

We also weighed the items that the students brought in and lined them up in order of lightest to heaviest.


I hope this week will be a blessing to your child.  It is always a wonderful week with Coastlands.

DAY 99

Hi All,


If you are able to collect 100 of something to send to class tomorrow, that would be great.  Some ideas are stickers, matchbox cars, pom-poms, legos, beads, grapes, skittles, etc.  These items can be shared with the class or sent back home.  Please let me know which option you prefer.

We will be doing lots of activities focusing on 100 tomorrow.   We will be making a 100 snack, doing some writing about 100, and many other activities.

Hope you all have a great afternoon!


Day 95

What a fun day we had!  The kiddos loved wearing their jammies and having stuffed animals join us in class and at chapel.

The students really loved playing outside!  We were the first ones to go out on the freshly covered field.  The students did a great job making tracks and new paths through the snow.

We have had several students out this week with headaches, fevers, and such.  I pray that the weekend will help the students get well rested and restored.

Have a wonderful weekend!