Day 155

What a wonderful day the students had at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center.  There were lots of animals and fun exhibits for the students to look at and enjoy.  What a blessing it was to be able to explore God’s creation in such an engaging way!



I have decided we will not do another spelling test…We will work on the rest of the words in class, but with the field trips and short weeks, it doesn’t seem fair to expect the students to do another test.



Day 137

We are finishing up our readings of Flat Stanley.  I sent home a letter yesterday in the homework packet, but forgot to mention it on the newsletter.  Please send in addresses by Thursday, this will hopefully allow enough time for you to choose a person to send Flat Stanley to.   We will do all the letter writing and preparation at school and will be taking a field trip to the post office next Wednesday to mail our Flat Stanley’s.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

We are changing things up a bit and will now have Spelling Tests and Bible Verses on Friday.  This will allow us to get a bit further in our studies.

What a beautiful day to erupt volcanos!  The fourth grade worked very hard on their volcano projects and presented them in Kingsman Hall today.  After the displays, several of the students erupted their volcanos outside.

Day 135

Hi All,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Bible Verse and Spelling Test.

We celebrated a birthday in the class today.  Cupcakes and giggles filled the room.




The students learned a new version of The Place Value Path today.


This version used hundreds, tens, and ones along the path.  The goal is to get 5 in a row on your sheet.

Tomorrow is sports day!

Have a good night!


Day 132

Hi Families,

What an unusual day!  We managed to have an almost regular day despite the crazy weather and delay.

The students learned a new part of speech today in grammar.  We started talking about Subject Pronouns (SP).  These are words that replace specific nouns as the subject of a sentence.

We also completed a phonics sheet and handwriting.

Then the students learned a new math game called: Gold Mine.  This game is in the students folders for homework.  I will send an official packet tomorrow, but this game is the homework for the night.  This is a fun game that encourages the kids to trade coins and build the money counting skills.  A variation for getting to higher money amounts is to play it two times through before finding a winner.




We also did a math paper focusing on adding.  Many students have been picked up throughout the day, but this was the view of our class around 2 as the students worked independently to complete their math papers.




Remember tomorrow is Twin/Clash day.  If your child needs someone to twin with, I will be wearing all blue tomorrow.



Day 131

We will be having Spirit Week next week the schedule is:




On Tuesday, if you don’t have a twin picked out, wear all blue and I will twin with you!

The kids enjoyed singing their concert songs through handwriting this morning.  There is something so sweet and hear-filling in listening to them sing praises while they work.

We also enjoyed ice cream sandwiches after lunch to celebrate a good week of testing!




The landscaping has begun and the students stayed off the playground today as the crews worked to flatten the areas around it.  We are looking forward to seeing all the new plants that will be added!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Burrell

Day 129

Hi All,

We have FINISHED our testing!!!!!  The students did a fabulous job and worked very hard to do their very best!



I sent home a book order home yesterday.  There is a free gift on it.  The orders are due by Friday, April 13th.




We have had fun playing extra math games and enjoying the nicer weather!


Enjoy the warm weather.

Remember, we have a Bible verse quiz on Friday.  Psalm 23:3 – He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

Day 126

The children were super comfy in their pjs today!  They enjoyed a special snack from a classmate, while stuffies told stories at the rug.



We played two new math games.  One focused on counting money and the other worked with multiple addends.  The Bubblegum Bump game was a hit and the kids loved it!



The kids enjoyed watching Curious George, the movie.  I could tell that many had not seen it as they were all quiet and laughing at George’s antics.




P.E. was a lot of fun.  The kids are working through the soccer unit, but the gym is an excellent place to let your stuffies FLY.



Stuffies make the day so much more fun!



Have a great weekend!


Day 125

We had a great time at chapel with Dylan from MCC today.  He talked with us about being good friends and how we can help to make things better simply by how we choose to respond to the things that happen to us.  He shared with the kids about a time when someone pushed him and how he chose to tell the person that he forgave him rather than getting revenge.  The other boy became a friend of his for the rest of the camp experience.   We can choose to make situations better or worse simply by the way we choose to respond.


Mrs. Masters also came to share with us about the cats that help our at the top of Mount Washington.  The kids love her stories and enjoyed hearing about how cats can be a help way up on top of the mountain!


Tomorrow is pj and stuffed animal day.  I am asking that the stuffed animals be able to fit in a backpack.  This makes the size more manageable and allows for an easier time to still be productive!



Day 123

We are working on reviewing several of the special sounds.  We started with chart 8 today.  The kids enjoyed playing a bingo review game and then worked on finding those sounds on a sheet.  We also worked on some reading comprehension strategies in preparation for the Terra Nova testing next week.

We continued working on the fractions unit.  The students are doing a great job with them.  Some need reminders about the denominator (the bottom number) being the TOTAL number of pieces.

This morning’s recess was outside, knowing that the rain may come this afternoon.  What a difference from morning til now!  The students had lots of fun climbing on all the playground equipment.  Many have new skills and adventurous spirits!

This afternoon, Mr. Gillespie came to tell the students about maple syrup making.  He shared with them some of the techniques and history of syrup making.  The students got to taste some of the syrup.

Biddy Ball started today!  The kids are so excited to be able to play basketball in our gym!

Any questions, please let me know!