Day 125

We had a great time at chapel with Dylan from MCC today.  He talked with us about being good friends and how we can help to make things better simply by how we choose to respond to the things that happen to us.  He shared with the kids about a time when someone pushed him and how he chose to tell the person that he forgave him rather than getting revenge.  The other boy became a friend of his for the rest of the camp experience.   We can choose to make situations better or worse simply by the way we choose to respond.


Mrs. Masters also came to share with us about the cats that help our at the top of Mount Washington.  The kids love her stories and enjoyed hearing about how cats can be a help way up on top of the mountain!


Tomorrow is pj and stuffed animal day.  I am asking that the stuffed animals be able to fit in a backpack.  This makes the size more manageable and allows for an easier time to still be productive!



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