Day 123

We are working on reviewing several of the special sounds.  We started with chart 8 today.  The kids enjoyed playing a bingo review game and then worked on finding those sounds on a sheet.  We also worked on some reading comprehension strategies in preparation for the Terra Nova testing next week.

We continued working on the fractions unit.  The students are doing a great job with them.  Some need reminders about the denominator (the bottom number) being the TOTAL number of pieces.

This morning’s recess was outside, knowing that the rain may come this afternoon.  What a difference from morning til now!  The students had lots of fun climbing on all the playground equipment.  Many have new skills and adventurous spirits!

This afternoon, Mr. Gillespie came to tell the students about maple syrup making.  He shared with them some of the techniques and history of syrup making.  The students got to taste some of the syrup.

Biddy Ball started today!  The kids are so excited to be able to play basketball in our gym!

Any questions, please let me know!


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