Day 89

We have been very busy working with coins recently.  This is a very valuable, yet tricky skill for most first graders.  We have been playing games, using manipulatives, and working on IXL math on the computers to further enhance these skills.  You will notice that there are a few homework assignments about money this week.  This is a skill that, when not practiced, is easy to lose the progress. Please encourage them at home.

Yesterday, the students led the pledge at our Monday morning meeting.


The students are doing well at getting work done and becoming more independent.  Here is a look at them doing an assignment.


Have a blessed night!  Tomorrow is our spelling test and Bible Verse quiz.


Day 84

Hello Families,


What an exciting day we had!  The children got to go into the gym for the very first time today!  We celebrated with a whole school pep rally!  Lots of pom-pom waving, shouting, and merriment was shared!

Please remember tomorrow will be our spelling test!

Day 81

We had a great day back after a snow day!  The students worked very hard to listen carefully during the spelling test and most of them did very well.

We had a guest from Manchester Christian Church as our Chapel speaker today.  Johanna came and talked with us about being “Fearless” because Jesus is greater than everything, even our biggest fears.


We also got to take a peek at the new doors to the new part of the building.  We even looked through the windows!

We also had a LOUD day!  The alarm system was being tested to be sure that the two buildings were linked!  There were several times throughout the afternoon that the alarms went off.  We continued to work our way through it, but it was a bit distracting!

Mrs. Masters joined us this afternoon as well.  She shared the story The Hat by Jan Brett.  The students enjoyed it and listened well.


Day 80

Hi Families,

Tomorrow is our Spelling Test and Bible Verse Quiz!  Please make sure to take some time to review tonight!  The spelling words were tricking some of the students today!

We talked about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today.  We talked about how God created all people and made us in his likeness.

We also enjoyed some time outside.  Please remember to send in snow gear every day!!!!  Some kids are having to either stay inside or stand on the sidewalks.

If there is a snow day tomorrow, we will have our spelling test on Thursday, otherwise be ready for the test tomorrow.  I will begin sending home snow packets for the next possible snow day, but tomorrow is still in the grace period for our class.

Pictures are from Friday and today!

Day 75

Hi Families,

Sorry for the delay in writing messages!

A HUGE thank you for the Gift Card Tree that you all put together as a Christmas gift.  What an amazingly generous gift!


We have gotten right back into the swing of learning in 1st grade!  We have played a few games about place value and the kids are really beginning to understand the concept.  We have started adding and subtracting two-digit numbers without regrouping.  This is a tricky concept for many.  We focus on starting with the number in the ONES place first and then moving to the TENS.  This is the “traditional” way to teach adding and subtracting larger numbers.


Please let me know if you have any questions, but we are off to a great start to the new year!
