Day 65 & 66

Hi All,

First, I want to let you know our class family picture theme is Character Day.  The students can come dressed as any character they would like to.  Some are calling it “Superhero and Princess” Day, just to give you an idea of what we are thinking about.

Monday was a great day.  The kids loved wearing their jammies.

Our Countdown to Christmas activity was to do some “Candy Engineering”.  We used gumdrops and toothpicks to build structures.  There was a lot of problem-solving going on as the children tried to figure out how to build taller structures.

Today we worked on making cards for all the “Special” people that help our class on a regular basis.  Your kiddos are so thoughtful and thankful for the people at our school.  They came up with 19 people that they wanted to bless with cards of appreciation.  I was so blessed to hear all the people at our school that they think of.  What a great series of lessons we are working on!  I’m blessed to be with them!

I missed taking pictures of the Christmas sweaters, but thank you for helping us to celebrate this week!