Days 62 & 63

Hi Families,

Yesterday’s Countdown to Christmas was to pass out candy canes to the other teachers in the building.  We took a “mini field trip” through the upstairs, downstairs and all around to pass out the candy canes to the adults we could find!  No pictures as we were weaving in and out of the big kids.

Book Orders are due by 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.  This will be the last order before Christmas and is guaranteed to get here before Christmas break.  Visit to order books online.  Our class code is NG4GW.  If these are going to be a gift, please let me know and I will not send them home with your child.

We are working on counting money.  Learning to transition from counting one type of a coin to another can be quite tricky for some.  Extra practice at home would be helpful.

Today’s Christmas activity was to make cards to show appreciation for Mr. Primeau.  We didn’t get a chance to deliver them today, but will be sure to do so tomorrow.

If you have any Christmas type of cookie cutters that you would be willing to let us borrow, please send them in tomorrow.  Put them in a baggie with your name on the baggie and I will be sure to return them to you.

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