Day 68


We had a successful Character Day!

The rest of the photos were taken over the past few days.  We hung up the birdseed ornaments, had a visit from Santa at Chapel yesterday, and brought hot chocolate to the gym workers.

Day 65 & 66

Hi All,

First, I want to let you know our class family picture theme is Character Day.  The students can come dressed as any character they would like to.  Some are calling it “Superhero and Princess” Day, just to give you an idea of what we are thinking about.

Monday was a great day.  The kids loved wearing their jammies.

Our Countdown to Christmas activity was to do some “Candy Engineering”.  We used gumdrops and toothpicks to build structures.  There was a lot of problem-solving going on as the children tried to figure out how to build taller structures.

Today we worked on making cards for all the “Special” people that help our class on a regular basis.  Your kiddos are so thoughtful and thankful for the people at our school.  They came up with 19 people that they wanted to bless with cards of appreciation.  I was so blessed to hear all the people at our school that they think of.  What a great series of lessons we are working on!  I’m blessed to be with them!

I missed taking pictures of the Christmas sweaters, but thank you for helping us to celebrate this week!

Days 62 & 63

Hi Families,

Yesterday’s Countdown to Christmas was to pass out candy canes to the other teachers in the building.  We took a “mini field trip” through the upstairs, downstairs and all around to pass out the candy canes to the adults we could find!  No pictures as we were weaving in and out of the big kids.

Book Orders are due by 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.  This will be the last order before Christmas and is guaranteed to get here before Christmas break.  Visit to order books online.  Our class code is NG4GW.  If these are going to be a gift, please let me know and I will not send them home with your child.

We are working on counting money.  Learning to transition from counting one type of a coin to another can be quite tricky for some.  Extra practice at home would be helpful.

Today’s Christmas activity was to make cards to show appreciation for Mr. Primeau.  We didn’t get a chance to deliver them today, but will be sure to do so tomorrow.

If you have any Christmas type of cookie cutters that you would be willing to let us borrow, please send them in tomorrow.  Put them in a baggie with your name on the baggie and I will be sure to return them to you.

Day 60

What a fun activity we did today!  The kids loved making snowflakes and writing words of kindness on them.  We then hung them up around the school to share God’s love with our friends in other classes.

The students had a lot of fun making them.  What a “blizzard” of scraps were left in our room when we finished!

The weather was beautiful today!  The students enjoyed the time at recess and P.E.  We also are seeing more progress on the gym as the workers put up more siding today!


Day 59

Hi All,

Thanks to all who contributed to our class auction basket!  It turned out so well.IMG_3911

We had a very fun-filled “Christmasy” day, yesterday!

Our room is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We began Unwrapping the Greatest Gift, by Ann Voskamp.  Each day we will add an ornament or two that reflects how Jesus’s birth was part of God’s great plan for His world.

We also started our countdown to Christmas by doing the activity on our first gift.  We made cards for soldiers.  We will send these cards to David Peters, Mrs. Peters’ son.  He will help to get them to other soldiers on his base.  These men are always looking for chapstick, gum, or lifesavers.  If you would like to send in a tube or pack on Monday, I will include them with our cards.

We will do a Christmas related activity each day.  Some of the activities will be service projects, like these cards for our military service members, engineering type activities (like building a Christmas tree out of cups or building structures using toothpicks and gumdrops), science experiments, and some just fun projects.  We may need a few extra supplies in the next few days.  I will try to send out a sign-up form this weekend.  Please don’t feel obligated, but a bit of help would be helpful.

We also started to use a few of the Christmas themed math games.  The students love these games and playing them with their peers.  We use these games to build fact fluency.

A few of the kids have been exploring inclined planes with our blocks.  We have been talking about simple machines during science and they are transferring the book knowledge into practical uses in the classroom.  Love to see learning in action!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!