Day 56

Hi Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed the extra time with family and friends.

The students are all starting to share about their holiday happenings.  Some have decorated Christmas trees, some have made cookies, others are excited to get started.  We have had some discussions between students about Santa Claus.  Please remind students to be respectful about how they talk with others.  This is always a difficult balance as some families choose to believe and others do not.  Each year this is a discussion that arises.  My biggest reminder to all the kids is that respect is what really matters.  Mrs. Robertson has started talking with us about the character quality of tolerance and she shared a line with us.  She encouraged the kids that when given a choice between being right and being kind, we should choose kindness ALWAYS!

We have begun sharing Christmas books during the day.  The students have enjoyed hearing them and seeing the fun-filled pictures in some of the books.

We will be doing a countdown to Christmas activity starting on Dec. 1st.  It will be daily act of kindness or fun activity to get ready for Christmas.  Be ready to hear more about it at the end of the week.  We will also start Unwrapping the Greatest Gift, by Ann Voskamp.  This book is a wonderful Christmas book that tells of God’s plan for His Son right from the very beginning of time.

I will be sending home a book order tomorrow.  This will be due next week and will be the last one before Christmas.  These orders are great ways to find good quality books for your kiddos for Christmas.

We have our spelling test tomorrow on the ou and ow words.

