Day 57

The spelling tests as a whole were much better.  I sent most of them home, but missed a few as the left before I handed them out.  I will send the rest home tomorrow.

We welcomed a new student on Monday.  The kids have been so welcoming and have done a great job helping her to fit right in.

Mrs. Peters has shared with the kids about how to earn money for the Kid’s Night Auction on Friday.  Many are excited about it.  If you have any question, please let me know or email Mrs. Peters.

Day 56

Hi Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed the extra time with family and friends.

The students are all starting to share about their holiday happenings.  Some have decorated Christmas trees, some have made cookies, others are excited to get started.  We have had some discussions between students about Santa Claus.  Please remind students to be respectful about how they talk with others.  This is always a difficult balance as some families choose to believe and others do not.  Each year this is a discussion that arises.  My biggest reminder to all the kids is that respect is what really matters.  Mrs. Robertson has started talking with us about the character quality of tolerance and she shared a line with us.  She encouraged the kids that when given a choice between being right and being kind, we should choose kindness ALWAYS!

We have begun sharing Christmas books during the day.  The students have enjoyed hearing them and seeing the fun-filled pictures in some of the books.

We will be doing a countdown to Christmas activity starting on Dec. 1st.  It will be daily act of kindness or fun activity to get ready for Christmas.  Be ready to hear more about it at the end of the week.  We will also start Unwrapping the Greatest Gift, by Ann Voskamp.  This book is a wonderful Christmas book that tells of God’s plan for His Son right from the very beginning of time.

I will be sending home a book order tomorrow.  This will be due next week and will be the last one before Christmas.  These orders are great ways to find good quality books for your kiddos for Christmas.

We have our spelling test tomorrow on the ou and ow words.



Day 54

Hi Families,

I am so pleased with how well all the students did on the Bible verse test. Each one has memorized it and will be able to apply it to their lives for years to come!

I am not sure what happened with the spelling test today, but the overwhelming majority of students did NOT do as well as they usually do.  That being said, we will plan on having a retest on Wednesday, Nov. 29th.  I did not put these grades in my grade book.  I sent them home without keeping record of them.  Wednesday will be a clean slate.

We enjoyed popsicles and watched Cars 3 for our marble jar celebration today!

Have a terrific Thanksgiving and enjoy the blessings that God has provided this year!


Days 52 & 53

Hi All,

I wanted to pass along a reminder that all auction items are due TOMORROW!  Thank you to those that have already sent in their items.  If you are still planning on sending something in, tomorrow is the deadline!

Also, tomorrow we will be having our spelling test and Bible verse tests.  There is only a single page coming home tonight for homework.  I did not send a letter with it.  The verse and the spelling list can be found on the blog.

Friday was our Thanksgiving Breakfast and we celebrated a birthday!  Thank you to all the parents that helped out in any of the many ways!


Today we had fun looking for math facts hidden in a picture.  The students used magnifying glasses to see them.

We also used IXL to study words with the ou, ow, oi, and oy sounds.

We also made turkeys with our hands and feet, but I was so busy helping them, that I missed taking pictures.  These will be sent home tomorrow.

I will be sending home some games and other activities for the Thanksgiving break.  Feel free to do as many as you would like, but they are not required.  Just fun ways to interact with family and friends!


Day 51

I think Thursdays might be a class favorite.  They love chapel each week and Mr. Rose does such a fantastic job leading the kids in worship.  Today he also shared a message about remembering to have a thankful spirit.  He demonstrated this lesson with Jesus’s teaching of the 10 people with leprosy.


We also got to enjoy a story and gingerbread cookies from Mrs. Masters.

The students learned about suffix ing today.  We learned that adding -ing to the end of a root word changes the meaning of the word just a little.  The students spent the rest of the day showing and telling me words that had the suffix in it!

It is always so nice to see the children interacting during free times.  Here are a few photos of the end of the day!

Have a blessed afternoon!

Days 49 & 50

Hi Families,

Yesterday was quite exciting as the students got to play in some of the snow that was left over from Monday’s flurries.  The students loved crawling around in it!

We enjoyed the story, Hensel and Gretel Ninja Chicks

We are working on adding and subtracting in math.  Many students are needing reminders to pay attention to the signs as they are adding when they are supposed to be subtracting, or vice versa!  Little reminders are getting them back on track.

Gloves, hats, and boots would be appreciated for recess as the field is getting a bit muddy and wet.


Day 48

What an exciting day!  The falling snow caused such a flood of excitement!  We will be needing gloves and hats for recesses. Many were missing them this morning.

We had fun reading Turkey Trouble today. Each child also thought about how to digits their own turkey. We wrote about that today and will be drawing pictures to go along with it tomorrow.


Day 46

Hi Families,

We will NOT have a spelling test this week, but we WILL have our BIBLE quiz this week.  We will do the sh/th list next Wednesday.  Our following spelling test and Bible verse will be on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.

We enjoyed a rainy day inside today!  The children have a bit more energy this afternoon, but many of them decided to work on their homework in class.  I gave directions, but did not really check any of them as they were leaving at various stages of completion.

Have a great day!

Day 45

Hi Families,

First, I want to thank everyone for supporting our book club program!  Last month’s order got our class 51 free books!!!!!  I was able to get several sets of multiple books to add to our literature library for reading in small groups.  The kids all enjoyed reading one of our new non-fiction selections today!

I have included more book orders today as it is the beginning of the month.  Due to all the days off and the Thanksgiving Holiday that is coming up.  I am asking that they be turned in by the 8th.

We played a new game today.  It is called Roll to 100.  The kids really enjoyed it and had fun rolling from 1 to 100.