Day 41

Sorry for the long break!  I will try to post a few pictures from last week at another time.  I was out for two days last week and am still waiting for my voice to fully return.

I am praying for each family that is still without power.  May God provide your family with all that you need as you wait for the power to be restored.

Today was all about candy corn.  Occasionally throughout the year, we take a break from our regular lessons and have a little fun learning with extra activities.  Today we played bingo using “or” words, sorted nouns into their correct category, used a graphic organizer (shaped like a candy corn) to write out the elements of a story, sorted addition equations into groups according to their sums. used candy corn to show which number was greater, and did a science experiment to see how different types of liquid effected a candy corn.  BUSY but fun day!

Here are a few of the children working on writing the nouns into the correct category.

Some pictures of finding the equations for each sum:

Our science experiment

And everyone’s favorite activity, because I finally let them eat some candy!!!!

Thank you for entrusting your student to our school each day!  It is such a blessing to spend my day with each of these sweet kids.

Extra Notes!

Hi All,

I forgot to mention that I sent home an electronic permission slip for Sacred Dance.  This is a fun experience for the students and many are looking forward to participating in it this year.  If your student is signing up, please fill out the permission slip.  If your child does not want to do it, you do not need to fill out the form.

Spin & Add Bump homework paper:  I am putting a check mark on the ones that have been played and leaving them in the folders.  This is a game you can keep to practice math facts.  You will find more games like this coming home as homework in the weeks to come.  Fun activities like these make memorizing the facts fun!


Day 36

We had a blast today.  Chapel this morning was led by Mrs. Gnann, Isabella’s Grand-mother, and Mrs. Jasus.  We heard about the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection.  More information will come home about this tomorrow.

We also went to The Capital Center for the Arts.  We saw a play that was put on by The Mermaid Theatre out of Nova Scotia.  The play was based off of the book, Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney.  This was a favorite book at my house when my boys were little.

The children enjoyed seeing how the actors moved the puppets as the story was narrated.

They also told the story of I Love My Little Storybook, by Anita Jeram.

The students all watched and enjoyed the different characters shown as puppets.

We also read and looked at the pictures from Guess How Much I Love You.  The students commented on how well the puppet makers did in making the puppets look just like the illustrations!


Blessed to spend my day with these sweet students!  Have a great evening!



Day 35

The gym is starting to get closed up!  Windows were being installed today. 2017-10-18 14.12.00.jpg

Just a quick note to remind you about dress code issues. Several of the girls’ dresses are starting to be on the short side. As the kids continue to grow the hem line is rising! Please remember that the dresses are supposed to touch the knee. I’ve noticed a few dresses that were fine at the beginning of the year are now too short. If you have any questions,  please let me know.


Pink Day, Pep Rally, Police Dog visit, and more!!!!

Hi All,

What a great time of year!  I enjoyed seeing many of you at the soccer games on Saturday!  The teams have made so much progress and did their best!  Thanks for letting me be a part of the day!

There were lots of events that have taken place since my last message.  On pink day, we the Elementary students gathered in the Great Room for lunch.  The MS/HS students were away, so it was a great time to get together.

This day was followed by the pep rally.

I also got to take a sneak peak of the inside of the new building.  I thought you might like to see some of the progress that is being made.

Yesterday we were blessed by the opportunity to see Police Dogs training.  We saw two different dogs with their handlers and then two 10 week old puppies.  The kids loved learning about these dogs and the profession that they have.

Here are some pictures of the students playing the “Bump” game that is assigned for homework this week.  They will need 10 objects per player to cover the spots.  Some ideas are: coins, cheerios, chocolate chips, paper clips, beans, colored pieces of paper, etc.  If you are not able to find something to use, let me know and I will send something home.  Try playing the game a few times throughout the week.   The kids will love it!


Day 30

Today was red, white, and blue day!  The kids looked great and had fun remembering all the things we have to be thankful about our country.

Phonics also focused on tw in twins today.  We loved talking about our set of twins!


Yesterday was pj day!  Lots of fun was had there too!

Grandparents Day was amazing!  Our room was so full, I did not get a chance to greet and get pictures of all our guests!  The kids did an amazing job and Mrs. Huffman lead them beautifully.


Day 27

Some silly teacher planned a movie afternoon on a day when we have soccer!  So, we did not finish our movie.  We will finish it in the morning.  I purchased HUGE bags of popcorn at Subway.  The bag said that it served 8, but in reality, I was able to go around the whole class twice, so we also have extra popcorn!  We will just continue our event during snack tomorrow.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Grandparent’s Day.  Please remember that the students need to wear a POLO shirt that is red, white, or blue.  They must wear PANTS that are khaki or navy blue.



Day 26

Hi Families,

We are off to a fun filled week.

Tomorrow is our spelling test and Bible verse quiz!!!!

We will also have our second MARBLE JAR CELEBRATION!!!!!  The kids have voted to watch a movie and enjoy a snack together.  Hot Chocolate and popcorn were requested, so I will try to accommodate that.

Yesterday, we read The Lonely Scarecrow and then used pattern blocks to decorate our own scarecrows to review our shapes.

And of course, a fun construction picture!
