Day 11

Hi Families,

Tomorrow is our FIRST spelling test and Bible Verse Quiz.

Thinking about which photos to use today, I realized they are once again from outside!  I promise we do work, but it is when we are outside that I actually remember to take photos!

Today we used computers for the first time.  The students enjoyed getting to spend time on Math IXL.  We will continue to use computers regularly.  We use them to enhance our reading and math curriculum.

The students enjoyed learning about texture in art and are learning greetings and feelings in Spanish.

If you need Alliance time, I have some papers that need to be collated and would be happy to have help with them.  Just send me a message.


Rachael Burrell

Day 10

Hi Families,

Just wanted to let you know that today starts the first week with HOMEWORK!!!!!

I have gone over them with the students and they seem to be excited about it!  These assignments are due on the listed date, but I understand and give grace on busy nights (like tonight with a soccer game!).  Please let me know if there is any confusion or if a tough time is had in doing the assignment.  These should not take more than five-to-ten minutes.



Mrs. Burrell

Day 7 & 8

Hello Everyone,

What a difference a day makes!  The weather today is beautiful and the students were so happy to get outside!

We enjoyed a great chapel this morning led by Mr. Rose.  We sang everyones favorite song “Jesus You’re My Superhero”.

We continued working on our phonics sounds, wrote about Chapel in our journals, and talked about the important parts of making sentences properly.  We are focusing on using CAPITAL LETTERS at the beginning of sentences and our names, but not in other places.  The students are beginning to remember to put a period at the end of their sentences.

The kids looked happy to be on the soccer field with Mr. & Mrs. Anthony!  They always do such a great job leading the kids and keeping them all engaged.


Yesterday’s rainy day allowed for a lot of creativity with more free-choice time than usual.

Blessed to be able to spend my days with these kiddos.


Day 6

Hi Families,

Today we started working with our first spelling list of the year.  The words are as follows:











Our test will be on Wednesday, September 13th.  I have sent home a spelling menu.  It is a sheet of fun ways to study spelling.  These are just a few ideas that I hope you and your child will enjoy!

Mrs. Masters came today to share her peacock story with the class.  She will join us on a weekly basis to tell the children fun stories.  She visited at the end of the day and the children loved her story.

The second picture is a view of the building that we don’t get to see, but a fun image to see the progress being made.

If you have any questions, let me know!

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