Day 21

Hi Families,

A few quick notes to start this message.

Tomorrow is our field trip.  We are going to be eating at the orchard, so please plan accordingly.  Students will need a lunch and utensils to take with us.  I will check with the kids at snack to make sure they have all the utensils that they need before we go.

Our room is ALWAYS cold.  Many of the students are mentioning that they are cold or chilly during the day.  Please send in a sweater/sweatshirt that they can put on if they need to.  I wear a light sweater all day, every day!!!!

I spoke with the kids today about Poke’mon cards at school.  I ask that the kids not bring toys/cards from home to school.  The cards prevent the students from playing (large motor skills) at recess, can be lost or stolen, be damaged, traded and then wanted back, and all sorts of other difficulties.  So, for First Grade, I am asking that cards are not brought to school.

We did a new spelling activity today.  The students used a paper clip and spun it around their pencil and then colored the spelling word according to code.  Recognizing the spelling words is just as important as being able to spell them.  That is why I have the students circle the correct spelling of the word during their tests.

During our morning recess, the trucks were working close by.  The workers are getting ready to put the plywood on the outside of the structure!  The crane truck was lifting bundles up to the roof.  Some watched, some played, but all enjoyed seeing the progress.


At the end of the day, we talked about the earth’s magnetism and how magnets can make things move.  We made compasses out of a paper clip and a cork and watched as they floated and turned to point north.  The students also found out that magnets not only pull, but can also push objects away.


Such a great group to spend my day with!

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know!

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