Day 16

Hi All,

Today we used the computers again to review the shapes we have been learning in math.  We have been focusing on trapezoids, hexagons, rhombus, triangles, squares, and rectangles.  We used the IXL website to identify different shapes.

I made a mistake on the back of the homework sheet.  I did not update the verse for next week.  It will be Ephesians 6:2 – Honor your father and your mother- this is the first commandment with a promise.

The students have a good sense of their verse for tomorrow.  They are doing better with the spelling words, but be sure to run a review on the spelling words for tomorrow’s test.

Have a blessed afternoon!


2 thoughts on “Day 16

  1. Hello! What a wonderful way to communicate! We are Lucie Valle’s grandparents and were wondering if we could be added to automatically receive your great e-mails. It’s such a blessing to have Lucie at CCA!


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