Day 15

This afternoon we had fun observing movement.  We did an experiment with different fluids to see which one would move the quickest.  We tested dish soap, molasses, and pancake syrup.  The students felt each substance and then had to guess which one would be the fastest and which one would be the slowest.20170918_172555

Our results were a bit surprising to some.  The syrup moved the fastest and the molasses was the slowest.  I guess the saying “As slow as molasses” hold some merit as it took about 20 minutes to move from the funnel to the test tube.  Syrup took just under 2 minutes and soap was about 3 mins.  We also learned that it is get the hypothesis incorrect.

Please remember to study spelling words with your kiddo for Wednesday’s test.  We played “Showdown” with our spelling words today and some students are very confused by these words. Check the homework packet or the blog tab “Spelling List” to find this weeks words.

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