Day 23

The boys varsity soccer team led chapel today.  Ian, Jacob, and Collin shared with us what CCA means to them, a bit about their testimonies, and just how lucky we are to be able to share Christ with our friends at school.

Our first recess revealed a lot of work had been done on the exterior of the new building while we were gone yesterday.  The plywood on the side of the building was not there the last time we had been out on the playground, so there was a lot of excitement in seeing what had been accomplished.

Today they were pouring concrete just beyond the fence.  We were outside to see them arrive.  Many of the students spent time watching.

Of course they also had fun climbing and running around, too!

We also made apple sauce today.  The kids enjoyed using my apple corer, peeler, slicer.  I put the apples in my crockpot, cooked them on high for 3 hours, stirred them, and served up the yummy sauce.

Another fun day!

Day 22

Hi Families,

We had a very busy day, but it sure was fun.

The apple orchard was extremely hot, but the picking was wonderful.  The students learned about to properly pick apples.  You simply roll the bottom of the apple up to the sun.  No need to twist!  The two men who lead our trip are simply wonderful.  They do such a great job directing and teaching the children.  I LOVE going to this field trip to see how they interact with the children.

When we got back, the children were SOOOOO hot, so we watched The Magic School Bus episode about honeybees to learn more about the bees that we saw. Then they went out to play soccer.

A HUGE thank you to the parents who joined us today.  Somehow I missed a picture of Mrs. Fortin, but thank you!

Have a great evening!  The kids should be tired!

Day 21

Hi Families,

A few quick notes to start this message.

Tomorrow is our field trip.  We are going to be eating at the orchard, so please plan accordingly.  Students will need a lunch and utensils to take with us.  I will check with the kids at snack to make sure they have all the utensils that they need before we go.

Our room is ALWAYS cold.  Many of the students are mentioning that they are cold or chilly during the day.  Please send in a sweater/sweatshirt that they can put on if they need to.  I wear a light sweater all day, every day!!!!

I spoke with the kids today about Poke’mon cards at school.  I ask that the kids not bring toys/cards from home to school.  The cards prevent the students from playing (large motor skills) at recess, can be lost or stolen, be damaged, traded and then wanted back, and all sorts of other difficulties.  So, for First Grade, I am asking that cards are not brought to school.

We did a new spelling activity today.  The students used a paper clip and spun it around their pencil and then colored the spelling word according to code.  Recognizing the spelling words is just as important as being able to spell them.  That is why I have the students circle the correct spelling of the word during their tests.

During our morning recess, the trucks were working close by.  The workers are getting ready to put the plywood on the outside of the structure!  The crane truck was lifting bundles up to the roof.  Some watched, some played, but all enjoyed seeing the progress.


At the end of the day, we talked about the earth’s magnetism and how magnets can make things move.  We made compasses out of a paper clip and a cork and watched as they floated and turned to point north.  The students also found out that magnets not only pull, but can also push objects away.


Such a great group to spend my day with!

As always, if you have any questions, please let me know!

Day 20

We had a very fun filled day!  The first tooth lost during the school day happened today!


There are many more students with teeth that are about to fall out!


In math we looked at shape rotation and mirror symmetry.  The students really loved seeing how mirrors reflect the different shapes.  We also used paint and paper to make our own shape rotation images.

Have a wonderful afternoon!  Good luck at the soccer games!


Day 19

Hi Families,

We have had a few busy days this week.  Sorry for the delay in messages!

Yesterday, Mr. Rose and a few of the middle schoolers once again lead us in songs of praise.  Mr. Rose then spoke to the students about the reassurance that God gives us.  He shared the lessons that Gideon learned and how we can trust God to help us through situations that seem impossible.


We continued our work with shapes today.  The students used pipe cleaners to learn about open and closed shapes.  We had fun drawing silly faces using different colored crayons to represent the types of figures used.

We will be studying magnets on Monday.  We need a few corks.  If you are able to donate some, please send them in on Monday.

Have a great weekend!


Day 16

Hi All,

Today we used the computers again to review the shapes we have been learning in math.  We have been focusing on trapezoids, hexagons, rhombus, triangles, squares, and rectangles.  We used the IXL website to identify different shapes.

I made a mistake on the back of the homework sheet.  I did not update the verse for next week.  It will be Ephesians 6:2 – Honor your father and your mother- this is the first commandment with a promise.

The students have a good sense of their verse for tomorrow.  They are doing better with the spelling words, but be sure to run a review on the spelling words for tomorrow’s test.

Have a blessed afternoon!


Day 15

This afternoon we had fun observing movement.  We did an experiment with different fluids to see which one would move the quickest.  We tested dish soap, molasses, and pancake syrup.  The students felt each substance and then had to guess which one would be the fastest and which one would be the slowest.20170918_172555

Our results were a bit surprising to some.  The syrup moved the fastest and the molasses was the slowest.  I guess the saying “As slow as molasses” hold some merit as it took about 20 minutes to move from the funnel to the test tube.  Syrup took just under 2 minutes and soap was about 3 mins.  We also learned that it is get the hypothesis incorrect.

Please remember to study spelling words with your kiddo for Wednesday’s test.  We played “Showdown” with our spelling words today and some students are very confused by these words. Check the homework packet or the blog tab “Spelling List” to find this weeks words.

Day 14

We had a great first marble jar celebration!  The students all looked super comfy this morning in their jammies.  These were the smiling faces that greeted me this morning!20170915_075953

There was a giant crane truck outside this morning.  It was here to lift new air conditioning units up on to the top of the school.  Knowing it was outside caused a few disruptions, so we headed outside to take a peek.  We got there as the truck was getting ready to drive away!

Lots of fun times and work were had with our stuffed animals today!

Have a great weekend!!!

Day 13

Thursdays are a favorite here at CCA.  We are so blessed to have our chapels on Thursday mornings.  This morning Mr. Rose and four of the middle school students led us in singing some wonderful songs of praise.  Then Mr Fisher taught us about being the person that God created us to be, not what the world says we should be.  He focused on Ephesians 2:8-10.

Just before the end of the day, Mrs. Masters came to read us a story.   Skippyjon Jones was up to some of his regular shenanigans.  The kids just love the stories Mrs. Masters shares.

We had our second fire drill today.  We had read a book about fire drills and wrote about them in our journals this morning.  We have worked more on short vowel review and have started working on next weeks spelling list, which focuses on long vowels.



Day 12


Today was our first spelling tests and the kids did GREAT!  We use clipboards and find our own spots around the room (to prevent wondering eyes!).  The kids loved this and did wonderfully.  You will find their tests in their folders today, along with most of the work we have done this year.  Please take time to review the papers and encourage your kiddos as they have been working hard this year.

The students also did a great job on their Bible verses!  Thanks for your commitment to helping your child hide God’s word in their hearts.

As I’m sure many of you have heard, we filled our first marble jar.  We will be celebrating by wearing pj’s and bringing in stuffed animals on Friday!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know!