Day 5

Hi Families,

We had a fabulous first week.  The students are getting used to our schedule and routines.  They have been showing me their understanding of the letters and the sounds they make.  We have reviewed the long and short vowel sounds and have reviewed some of the phonics blends that they have learned.

Next week we will begin reading groups and start working more independently on assignments.  At this point, we have been doing most problems together and making sure students understand the directions and how to complete the papers we are doing.

The kids really enjoyed watching the work on the new building today.  Many spent recess on top of the dome watching the men drive sanding machines on the second floor of the new addition.

Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow or on Monday.

Enjoy your long weekend.

Day 3

The students worked on some more assessments today.  We also started our journals for the year.  I gave them the sentence starter “This summer I”, which they copied from the board and then finished the sentence and drew a picture to go with it.

We worked in our math books for the first time today, started with our Bible lessons, and worked on a language paper.  Mrs. Vorel also showed us how to put on the Armor of God.20170829_10215820170829_08492620170829_104526

What a fun day!


Day 2

Hi Families,

This is the first blog post ever!  I am trying something new this year and hope that this will be a blessing to the parents of my students.  This post is a repeat of the first class e-mail I sent.

We have had a very busy day getting into the routines of first grade.  The students worked on writing letters and numbers.  We did a graph of the feelings students had before starting the day.  We started a science unit on movement and did a variety of other activities.

We will not have homework until the first FULL week of school.  This allows for transition to being in school and the long days we have here.

Lots of smiles and friendships were part of our day!

Blessings, Mrs. Burrell
